Hearing loss has a reputation for showing itself slowly. It can be easy to miss the symptoms because of this. (After all, you’re only turning up the volume on your TV now and then, it’s nothing to be concerned about, right?) In some cases that’s true but often, it isn’t. It turns out hearing loss […]
Most people are happy with their hearing aids: Based upon one recent survey, when talking one-on-one, 91% of people who use hearing aids are satisfied with their experience. When speaking about specific activities, 85% were satisfied in a group environment and watching TV, 78% while shopping, and 75% in a restaurant or on the phone. […]
As your body gets older, it isn’t difficult to detect the changes. You get wrinkles. Your hair turns gray (or falls out). Your joints start to stiffen. Some sagging of the skin begins to happen in certain places. Maybe you start to observe some fading of your eyesight and hearing. It’s pretty hard not to […]
Measuring hearing loss is more technical than it might seem at first. If you’re suffering from hearing loss, you can probably hear certain things clearly at a lower volume, but not others. The majority of letters might sound clear at high or low volumes but others, like “s” and “b” may get lost. It will […]
Just picture for a minute you’re a salesperson. Now imagine that you have a call scheduled today with a really important client. Multiple representatives from their offices have come together to talk about whether to employ your business for the job. All of the various voices get a bit garbled and difficult to understand. But […]
Pizza is a fascinating thing. You can change the toppings, sauces, even the cheeses on it, but as long as it meets a few basic factors, it’s still a pizza. Hearing loss is a lot like that. But as long as you have difficulty hearing sound, it’s still hearing loss regardless of whether it’s caused […]
What’s the connection between hearing loss and cognitive decline? Brain health and hearing loss have a connection which medical science is starting to comprehend. It was discovered that even mild untreated hearing loss increases your risk of developing dementia. Experts believe that there may be a pathological link between these two seemingly unrelated health problems. […]
Tinnitus tends to get worse at night for the majority of the millions of individuals in the US that experience it. But what’s the reason for this? The ringing or buzzing in one or both ears isn’t an actual noise but a side-effect of a medical issue like hearing loss, either permanent or temporary. But […]
There are a couple of types of vacations, right? There’s the kind where you cram every single activity you can into every single moment. These are the trips that are recalled for years later and are packed with adventure, and you head back to work more worn out than you left. Then there are the […]
Tom is getting a brand new knee and he’s really jazzed! Look, as you age, the kinds of things you get excited about change. He will be able to move moving around more freely and will experience less pain with his new knee. So Tom is admitted, the operation is a success, and Tom heads […]