Want to suck all the fun out of your next family get-together? Start to talk about dementia. The topic of dementia can be very frightening and most individuals aren’t going to purposely discuss it. Dementia, which is a degenerative cognitive disease, makes you lose touch with reality, experience loss of memory, and brings about an […]
Even when it’s somewhat mild, hearing loss can have a huge impact on your life. There will be a considerable change in the way you connect with loved ones, friends, and coworkers. Everyday activities like going to the supermarket can grow more difficult. But that doesn’t mean it needs to be all doom and gloom. […]
Have you resisted the calls from family, friends, and co-workers to finally get a hearing aid? Do you think that right now you really don’t need a hearing aid or that you’re not missing enough to warrant getting one? If your hearing keeps getting worse, it could cost you up to $30,000 per year, even […]
You might develop hearing loss as you get older, particularly if you frequently expose yourself to loud noise. Hearing loss may be in your future, for instance, if you work on a loud factory floor without ear protection. These hearing loss causes are fairly common. But there’s a new fighter in the ring, and you […]
If you have hearing loss, you might have some very specific reasons for dreading your next office holiday party. But these strategies can help you kick back–and enjoy yourself! […]
Hearing aid domes are cone-shaped silicon devices that can help non-custom hearing aids fit–and work–more efficiently. But they have benefits and drawbacks. […]